March 1, 2017 ·  3 min read

Travel Destinations Based on Your Horoscope Sign

Need help picking where you want to go on your next vacation? Maybe your horoscope sign can help! 

horoscope travel

Aquarius: Jan 21 – Feb 19

Travel Type: Off track

Aquarians really want their travel adventures to be unique. They will never return from a vacation without a good book, a local guide or a new app that will keep them in the same time zone. They love a change and freedom to fly wherever the moment takes them.

Ideal destination: Sweden, Ethiopia, and Kansas.

Need help picking where you want to go on your next vacation? Maybe your horoscope sign can help!

Pisces: Feb 20 – Mar 20

Travel Type: Refocusing 

Pisces are a sign of all lost things and often have a feeling that their personality hides somewhere in the ocean. They need a trip to the seaside, cocktails and crazy nights out, but they will also love to go as far as possible, in search for their identity. 

Ideal destinations: Crossing an ocean, and visiting Antarctic, Sahara, and Portugal.

Need help picking where you want to go on your next vacation? Maybe your horoscope sign can help!

Aries: March 21 – April 20

Travel Type: Adventurous

An Aries’ vacation should be a lively adventure. They like hiking, exploring new places, and enjoy less popular destinations in order to socialize with the locals.

Ideal destinations: Germany, Japan, and Indonesia.

Need help picking where you want to go on your next vacation? Maybe your horoscope sign can help!

Taurus: April 21 – May 21

Travel Type: Luxurious

Someone as indulgent as a Taurus needs a vacation to be able to rest, float on water and enjoy local specialties. Most importantly, they need is their personal contact with planet Earth. They are into food, bazaars, and traditional craft shops. Touch and taste are key for a Taurus.

Ideal destinations: Florida, Greenland, and Cyprus.

Need help picking where you want to go on your next vacation? Maybe your horoscope sign can help!

Gemini: May 22 – June 21

Travel Type: Packed

A Gemini cannot stay still. They’re not picky about destinations when traveling. Their greatest joy lies in getting lost, meeting locals, and communicating in whichever language comes useful.

Ideal destinations: Venezuela, Belgium or Armenia.

Need help picking where you want to go on your next vacation? Maybe your horoscope sign can help!

Cancer: June 22 – July 22

Travel Type: Homey

A Cancer’s need to travel is usually in search for a feeling of home. They want their horizons widened and their perspective changed; far away locations are best. While traveling, they will gladly live, breathe, and eat with the locals, embracing their tradition, customs and family values.

Ideal destinations: South Africa, New Zealand, and Netherlands.

Need help picking where you want to go on your next vacation? Maybe your horoscope sign can help!

Leo: July 23 – Aug 21

Travel Type: Experience oriented

Leos are attracted to warm capital cities with skylines that can be seen from space. They are in constant search for a view of royal residences and palaces. They like luxurious destinations that offer a lot of vitamin D, and their enthusiasm forces them to see as much as possible during their trips.

Ideal destinations: Hawaii, Italy, and Cuba.

Need help picking where you want to go on your next vacation? Maybe your horoscope sign can help!

Virgo: Aug 22 – Sept 23

Travel Type: Knowledge thirsty

Virgos want to learn on their travels. Everything from accurate historical data and traditions, to fascinating wildlife by mountains and temples. They will be interested in a spiritual need of each society, as well as their daily routine and its evolution through history.

Ideal destinations: Brazil, Egypt, and Greece.

Need help picking where you want to go on your next vacation? Maybe your horoscope sign can help!

Libra: Sept 24 – Oct 23

Travel Type: Memory hoarders

Libras see their vacation as an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and meet interesting people. Libras like educational trips, antique shops, meeting the locals and if possible – having a picture from every single popular location they have ever visited.

Ideal destinations: Argentina, Austria, and Tibet.

Need help picking where you want to go on your next vacation? Maybe your horoscope sign can help!

Scorpio: Oct 24 – Nov 22

Travel Type: Curious

Scorpios are strange travelers, for they can get so attached to a location that they might even choose to leave home and inhabit it. In general, they have a need to be close to water. Their active holidays are better spent when shared with their loved ones.  

Ideal destinations: Norway, Morocco, and Zimbabwe.

Need help picking where you want to go on your next vacation? Maybe your horoscope sign can help!

Sagittarius: Nov 23 – Dec 22

Travel Type: Immersive

Sagittarius representatives love to travel so much that they don’t even care where they’re going. As soon as they get to the airport, their heart will start beating in a melodious pace and they will feel at home. When they reach their travel destination, they will instantly plan a new one and use every single moment to breathe in every scent of the place they have visited.

Ideal destinations: Bolivia, Spain, and Thailand should definitely be set high on their list.

Need help picking where you want to go on your next vacation? Maybe your horoscope sign can help!

Capricorn: Dec 23 – Jan 20

Travel Type: Objective

A Capricorn will want to visit a popular destination to understand what all the fuss is about. Doing everything from A to Z, sightseeing and nightlife, in time they might discover that there’s no place like home. Traveling is not traveling if it has nothing to teach, so they’ll want to dig a hole in every state, constitution or territory.

Ideal destinations: India, Mexico or Serbia.


Image credit: Zelena
