Helen Hatzis
Helen Hatzis
October 14, 2024 ·  6 min read

Giving Thanks: My Gratitude to Canada

As the child of Greek immigrants who made Canada their home in the 1960s, I find myself filled with gratitude as I reflect on all this country has given me and my family. My parents arrived here with dreams of building a better life, and Canada welcomed them with open arms, offering opportunities and a future they couldn’t have imagined. For my family, this country has been a place of safety, stability, and community, and I feel incredibly fortunate to call it home.

First-Generation Canadian

Being a first-generation Canadian has given me the best of both worlds: the deep roots of my Greek heritage and the freedom to immerse myself in the diverse cultures that make up the fabric of this country. Growing up in Scarborough, a suburb of Toronto, I lived in a neighborhood that felt like a microcosm of the world. Our street was a blend of families from Italy, Japan, Guyana, Austria, Britain, and India—each bringing their own unique traditions, languages, and foods to our collective table.

New Life in Canada

In our little corner of Scarborough, we weren’t just neighbours—we were a community. We celebrated each other’s cultures, embraced our differences, and found common ground in the shared experience of being immigrants or first-generation Canadians. The diversity that surrounded me in my formative years shaped my worldview and instilled a deep sense of appreciation for the mosaic that is Canada. I like to think of that suburban street, lined with 1950s-style cookie-cutter homes, as an “equal utopia”—a place where differences were celebrated, not feared.

This early immersion into multiculturalism explains my love for travel and why I’ve now spent over 650 days on Duolingo studying Italian, picking up the language of some of my childhood friends. It also fuels my passion for exploring the many facets of Canadian culture—whether through food, language, or simply getting to know the people who call this country home.

Preserving Family Traditions and Greek Heritage

My upbringing was deeply rooted in the traditions of my Greek heritage. From family gatherings filled with love and laughter to the early morning preparations for traditional Easter, where my uncles would slow-cook lamb on the spit, our culture was always at the heart of every occasion. Greek dance classes were more than just learning steps—they were a way to connect with our community, and our holiday gatherings became reunions, bringing together the massive Greek community from the region my mother grew up in. These moments, rich in culture and tradition, shaped who I am today.

Canada has also allowed me to see and experience its vast, breathtaking landscapes. Though I grew up in Ontario, I had the opportunity to live in Vancouver, British Columbia, for almost a year. The laid-back lifestyle of the West Coast, framed by towering mountains and the expansive Pacific Ocean, was a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of Toronto, where I’ve spent much of my life. But that’s the beauty of Canada—each region offers something entirely unique.

From the cosmopolitan streets of Toronto to the serene forests of British Columbia, I’ve been fortunate enough to experience a wide range of what this country has to offer. Yet, there’s still more to explore. The East Coast, with its salt-of-the-earth folk and their distinct maritime accents, beckons me. There’s a charm to the way they ask, “You come from away?”—a reminder that every part of Canada has its own rhythm, its own way of welcoming you in.

Our Home ‘on’ Native Land

And then there’s the land itself. “Our home on native land,” as Jully Black so poignantly rephrased in our national anthem during her rendition of “O Canada.” That one-word change—switching ‘and’ to ‘on’—is a simple yet profound acknowledgment of the land’s history and the Indigenous peoples who have been its stewards for millennia. Thank you, Jully, for that reminder of the importance of honouring the original inhabitants of this land, whose cultures and contributions are a vital part of what makes Canada the country it is today.

Canada’s rich cultural tapestry is woven together by the stories of immigrants like my parents, but it is equally defined by its Indigenous roots. As I give thanks for the opportunities this country has provided, I am also reminded of the importance of reconciliation and the work that still needs to be done to ensure a more equitable future for all Canadians.

I’ve also had the privilege of working with Heritage Canada on projects that allowed me to showcase the beauty of several provinces through video production. These experiences deepened my appreciation for Canada’s diverse landscapes and people. I’m proud to have contributed to sharing that beauty with others and am eager to explore it even further. You can view the videos on Trip Jaunt’s Facebook page. Click to view: Vancouver, Halifax and Toronto.

Big Fat Greek (Macedonian) Family

My dad’s side of the family.

This Thanksgiving, as I sit down to share a meal with my family, I’ll be giving thanks not only for the food on our table but also for the country that made it possible. I’m grateful for the sense of community I’ve found here, the opportunities to learn from and celebrate other cultures, and the freedom to explore every corner of this vast and beautiful land.

Canada, with its open arms and open hearts, has been good to my family. It has allowed us to thrive, to embrace and celebrate our heritage, and to build new traditions. And for that, I am truly thankful. As I look to the future, I am excited to continue exploring this incredible country—from the West Coast to the East Coast—and to keep discovering the stories and cultures that make Canada the diverse and dynamic place it is.

Happy Thanksgiving, Canada. Thank you for being my home. And, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

As you embark on your travels, remember that our journey leaves an impact. Embrace eco-friendly accommodations, support local communities, and reduce plastic use. Respect wildlife by observing from afar and conserve resources like water and energy. Choose sustainable transportation, leave no trace behind, and participate in conservation efforts. Educate yourself and others about the environment you’re exploring. Let’s ensure that we tread lightly on our planet, leaving only footprints of kindness and taking home memories that inspire others to protect our beautiful world. Happy responsible travels!