Helen Hatzis, is the Chief Exploration Office and Co-Founder of Trip Jaunt.
Helen is a recipient of the Governor-General Award, has been honoured as one of Canada's Nicest People! A true xenophile at heart, she finds joy in traveling and delights in sharing her experiences through Trip Jaunt (formerly Weekend Jaunt), an online travel community and hub she established in 2010. Her aspiration is to inspire others to explore the world as she does!
Helen is an esteemed advisory member of the North American Travel Journalists Association.
American Green Inc., a Pheonix based cannabis grower and product maker had the vision to turn the small town of Nipton, California into Cannabis Town – Weedville. The concept was shared in 2017 as the first weed-friendly, energy-dependent destination in the United States. Imagine someone taking an entire town and transforming it into a place just […]
Memories of Willy Wonka and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! In Zaanstad, northwest of Amsterdam, a Dutch confectionary company called Tony’s Chocoloney will be opening up a building inspired by the wacky world of Roald Dahl’s beloved children’s novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. A Dutch architecture firm called SeARCH released a rendering for the project. And yes, it is bright red and […]
Are you up for an incredible adventure? The Grand Canyon awaits you. The Grand Canyon is one of the most famous national parks in the United States. Hiking to the bottom of it feels like you have time-warped into the prehistoric era. For the ‘average’ hiker, this video from an ‘average hiker’ shows you how […]
Well, space travel is beyond our means but we can all dream a little right? Before sunrise, eight Explorers and a Pilot climb aboard the Neptune Capsule. They recline in the plush seats and lift off into the predawn sky. The ascent takes approximately two hours. Neptune travels three times higher than a commercial airliner. […]
The pandemic has us feeling some pretty serious cabin fever. I have daydreamed about being on a tropical private island surrounded by palm trees and turquoise water – wait, it is actually possible! Kanu Island Situated only 15 minutes off the coast of Placencia, Belize sits a rare coral private island called Kanu. Kanu’s 2.5 […]
Crossing the border is not possible at this time due to Covid-19. However, we truly can’t wait to resume our annual jaunt to the beautiful state of California. For those of you who live in California, you have some of the most extraordinary and mystical locations at your fingertips! Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest Located in […]
The Thunderbolt Mountain Coaster is located at the Berkshire East Mountain Resort, in Charlemont, Massachusetts. Mountain coaster details Think alpine slide meets roller coaster. The Thunderbolt takes riders up 1,580 feet of up-track through the forest before the cart disengages and gravity takes over. The 3,870 feet of downhill track is designed with swooping turns, banked […]
Add this adventure to your travel list! The Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) is working away on a 4000-mile bike path that will allow cyclists to travel from coast-to-coast; Washington D.C. to Washington State! They are over a year into the project and it is expected to take several more to complete. RTC has committed more than […]
This see-through kayak is a must-do experience for anyone who loves water activities. At Trip Jaunt, we love to surf and SUP (stand-up paddleboard) and do it as often as possible. The team has seen clear paddleboards in cottage country but hasn’t tried it as yet. We recently learned that there is an incredible see-through […]
We have been stuck indoors far too long. And the moment the protocols were lifted, all hell broke loose across the US. Instead of flattening the curve, the numbers have escalated. I know, people need to get out because cabin fever is really setting in. This map by Dr. Randy Olson devised an optimal route to embark on […]
Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary – currently located in Montgomery, Texas will be moving to their new location on July 11, 2020, to Navasota, Texas. The sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity whose mission is to rescue and provide a loving, exceptional home to non-releasable wolves and wolfdogs, and to educate the public about these animals by allowing […]
Summer is here and the time is right to visit some of the most breathtaking waterfalls in Tennessee. Tennessee has over 500 waterfalls, most of which are located in the eastern portion of the state, along the Cumberland Plateau or in the Appalachian Mountains. You could spend weeks or months exploring all these waterfalls. So, we have selected […]