Travel Tips

Traveling Pets
 · 7 min read

Traveling Pets

It is no surprise that the number of families with pets is steadily continuing to grow. More than half, 52% of households in Canada have a pet, according to the 2015 Canadian Pet Market Outlook. These furry friends are a part of our family, making it hard sometimes to leave them as we jet set […]

hotel soap
 · 3 min read

Is Your Leftover Hotel Soap Saving Lives?

According to the New York Times, bestselling Author Dr. Mercola, your leftover hotel soap could be reducing people’s risk of infectious illness. On vacation, you become accustomed to the luxury product your hotel stocks. The soap smells like roses on a warm summer evening, and the scent lingers in your mind weeks after your vacation […]

 · 3 min read

Dangerous Travel: Do Not Skip The Trip

Dangerous Travel Travelling is always a bit intimidating, a bit different. It’s not easy, but overall, I’d say most of us feel the mild risks are worth the wildly rewarding gains. But what can you do when dangerous travel options accost you from every angle? Might it be a better idea to stay home and […]

 · 4 min read

The Dirty Dish On The Mile High Club And What You Need To Know

The Mile High Club: Silly Joke Or Serious Enterprise? The Mile High Club is infamous at the very least. Originally, only real-life pilots could join the elite club. As well, the act only counted if it happened in the cockpit itself. Things have changed quite a bit since the early days, however. Passengers, flight attendants, […]

 · 3 min read

8 Bizarre Singapore Laws That Will Land You A Fine

The sunny island of Singapore is well-known for being a real fine city. Well, if you read between the lines you will probably realize that the word ‘fine’ is more than meets the eye. Fine describes how Singapore is attractive with all her exquisite flora and fauna. However, it also refers to all the fines and penalties passed […]

 · 5 min read

Why Prague Is A Great Option For First Time Travellers

Prague: Travelling For Beginners Greetings to all first-time travellers planning your first trip into the great big world! You have come to the right place. Maybe you’ve gone on a few all-inclusive vacations before, and now you’re ready to dive into the real deal. Maybe you’ve always had your eyes set on Europe, but simply […]

 · 5 min read

Prague Neighborhoods: What’s What And Where

The Puzzle Pieces of Prague The many districts of Prague often confound new travelers. Although small and compact, Prague can seem overwhelming to someone not familiar with the different neighborhoods and districts. To simplify, the city is comprised of small and larger chunks, called districts. The districts range from Prague 1 to Prague 10. Within […]

 · 3 min read

Hong Kong’s Top 4 Outlying Islands

From an outsider’s perspective, Hong Kong may seem like little more than a concrete jungle. This, however, is a common misconception. Hong Kong is actually made up of over 200 separate outlying islands, ripe for exploration! In fact, Hong Kong island isn’t even the largest in the region. Island hopping is a common summer practice […]

 · 1 min read

Trip Jaunt Is Celebrating Its One Year Anniversary!

Happy anniversary, Trip Jaunt! This month, Trip Jaunt celebrates its one year anniversary since becoming a full-fledged travel website, catering to people from all over the world. Trip Jaunt’s journey began when Helen Hatzis, co-founder of Trip Jaunt, decided to turn her travel blog ‘Weekend Jaunt’, that she shared with family and friends, into something bigger. Hatzis, […]

 · 3 min read

5 Kids In 5 Different Countries Who Are Changing The World

Children are the future, and it’s amazing what they have already been able to accomplish all over the world. These five incredibly inspiring young kids have been able to make a huge impact on many lives through their caring hearts and ambitious goals. Philippines Ken Amante, 9 The Happy Animals Club is a non-profit, no-kill […]