Well, space travel is beyond our means but we can all dream a little right?
Before sunrise, eight Explorers and a Pilot climb aboard the Neptune Capsule. They recline in the plush seats and lift off into the predawn sky. The ascent takes approximately two hours. Neptune travels three times higher than a commercial airliner. It flies while the sky is still dark, and the stars are visible like you’ve never before seen before.
As Neptune glides along the edge of space, the sun slowly rises over the curved limb of Earth. Scattering rainbow colours of light across the planet and illuminating the thin, bright blue line of our atmosphere. And the sky remains black, completely inky black.
This view of Earth in the void of space has transfixed astronauts since the dawn of the space age. Reluctantly, the Explorers and Pilot prepare to leave space to return to Earth. Neptune gently descends under the balloon, and two hours later splashes down, where a ship retrieves the capsule, balloon and Explorers.

Space Perspective is a human space flight company committed to fundamentally changing people’s view and perception of Earth. Using a high-performance balloon and pressurized capsule technology that gently travels to and from the edge of space over a six-hour period, the spacecraft offers opportunities for groundbreaking research and life-changing travel experiences for world explorers.

Space Perspective is led by a team of professionals that have developed or operated all human balloon flights to the edge of space in the last 50 years.
“Following the return of human spaceflight from U.S. soil just a few weeks ago, people have never been more excited about space travel,” said Founder and Co-CEO Taber MacCallum.

“Few endeavours are more meaningful than enabling people to experience the inspiring perspective of our home planet in space for the betterment of all, and that’s what we are accomplishing with Space Perspective.”
If this out-of-this-world experience has whet your appetite (and you have a spare few hundred thousand), then you can reserve a seat on Spaceship Neptune now.
If you want to explore space like travel on Earth, click here.
Travel responsibly taking only memories and leaving a near to zero carbon footprint. We are all visitors on this beautiful planet of ours. Let’s treat it and all inhabitants with love and respect!