Tag Archive: new mexico

 · 3 min read

Road-tripping? Here are 7 Must-See Destinations

Road-tripping this summer? These charming destinations from across the U.S.A. may not be on your radar but they will be after you have this read this… Solvang, California Solvang is a quaint city located in southern California’s Santa Ynez Valley. It’s known for its Danish-style architecture and many wineries. The Elverhøj Museum of History & […]

virtual tour Carlsbad Caverns
 · 3 min read

Virtual Tour to the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico

While most facilities and events are closed or cancelled, outdoor spaces in some parks remain accessible to the public via a virtual tour. The National Parks Service (NPS) has many virtual experiences of some of their greatest parks to help people escape (digitally) while in lockdown due to COVID-19. One of the exciting explorations to experience […]