· 5 min read
Our emotional and spiritual connection with water can be very strong. The way that water influences us is an indescribable feeling. Some feel it’s effects more so than others. There’s actually some scientific reasons as to why people feel differently after visiting the ocean. The water plays a huge part in the way we feel […]
· 3 min read
We often take our world for granted, wishing instead for something more fantastical, like the magical world of Tolkien’s Middle Earth, or C.S Lewis’s Narnia. But what we don’t realize is that we have our fairytale-like places right here, within grasp in the real world. Through these eight sites, let go of the imaginary and […]
· 6 min read
Tired of long lines? Of the same old rides and expensive food? Here are some themes parks you need to visit if you want to to see something new and out of the box. These parks have rides, oh yes, and all sorts of attractions, but you’ll never forget your day there! Theme Parks You’ve Never […]
· 4 min read
Wouldn’t it be great if we could just jump through the screen and visit a scene from your favorite movie? It’s not as hard as you think. The settings for these seven movies are completely real, and fully open to visitors. You don’t even need a plane ticket to visit some of them. Don’t miss these seven […]
· 4 min read
Ever dreamed of a boat trip down Venice’s canals? How about a mouth-watering hot dog in Central Park? A relaxing cycle through Amsterdam? If so, you’d better act now. According to a study by the Potsdam Institute, these places might be underwater within the next century, along with a whole list of others. With sea levels steadily […]