16 Search Results for "quebec"

 · 6 min read

The Best Stargazing Experience in Mont Mégantic Quebec

Stargazing in Quebec is an extraordinary experience. It’s easy to find a spot to watch clouds go by, pointing at all the different shapes that form in the light skies. But when the blue turns to black, the light pollution of our cities makes it difficult to view the wonder’s that night has to offer: […]

 · 11 min read

Why You Need To Know About Abitibi-Temiscamingue, Quebec’s Best Kept Secret

You may have never heard of Abitibi-Temiscamingue, in Quebec, but this little-mentioned region is an incredible destination with so much to offer! The unique mix of Quebecois tradition, French cuisine, beautiful landscapes and true hospitality are unforgettable. Abitibi-Temiscamingue is an administrative region in Quebec having 5 regional county municipalities; Abitibi, Abitibi-Ouest, Rouyn-Noranda, Vallée-de-l’Or, and Temiscamingue. You’ll […]

Travel Guide
 · 11 min read

Quebec Maritime Guide: Sea Life, Sea Food, And French Canadian Tradition

Welcome to the generous regions of Quebec maritime! The maritime regions of Québec combine four of the most scenic tourist regions in Eastern Québec: Bas-Saint-Laurent, Gaspésie, Côte-Nord (Tadoussac to Blanc-Sablon) and the Îles de la Madeleine. Although very different from each other, these regions are united by the sea and a maritime tradition represented by no […]

 · 5 min read

The Essential Guide To Food And Eating In Quebec City

This wonderful post is shared from Planet Blue Adventure, an awesome blog about travel, food, and everything in between! Visit it here for more great content like this. Guest Post by Jennifer Sharp As destinations for gastronomic excellence go, Quebec City has always been high on the list, with its unique blend of both deluxe […]

Why Learning Local Phrases Enhances Your Travel Experience
 · 8 min read

Why Learning Local Phrases Enhances Your Travel Experience

Travel is about more than just seeing new places; it’s about connecting with different cultures. One of the simplest yet most impactful ways to bridge cultural gaps is by learning key phrases in the local language. Even a basic effort to speak the native tongue can transform interactions, earn goodwill, and enhance your overall travel […]

10 Must See Botanical Gardens Around the World
 · 6 min read

10 Must See Botanical Gardens Around the World

There’s something magical about stepping into a botanical garden—nature is the greatest artist, crafting breathtaking landscapes that have inspired countless painters, poets, and dreamers. The vibrant hues of blooming flowers, the intricate patterns of leaves, and the tranquil harmony of flora evoke awe and emotion. Whether it’s rolling hills blanketed in wildflowers or a meticulously […]

soul of every place
 · 5 min read

Communities Unite to Aid LA Wildfire Relief

Travel is often defined by a checklist: monuments to visit, food to savor, and landscapes to admire. Yet, for me, the true essence of travel lies beyond the “things to do and see.” It’s in the communities we encounter, the lives we briefly intertwine with, and the stories embedded in the places we journey to. […]

 · 3 min read

Embracing The Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO)

In our fast-paced, hyper-connected world, the concept of JOMO—the Joy of Missing Out—is gaining traction, especially in the realm of travel. Originally coined by entrepreneur Anil Dash in 2012 as a counter to FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), JOMO encourages individuals to find contentment in choosing less and savouring moments of stillness. This philosophy is […]

Canadian Eh!?
 · 4 min read

Canadian Eh!? Let’s Talk ‘Aboot’ the Many Voices of Canada’s Accent

I was recently listening in on a webinar hosted by TravMedia, featuring the editorial and communications teams from Fodor’s. During the session, the editors and writers were asked to share their favourite stories. Assignment editor, Eva Morreale brought up her article on the California accent, which got me thinking—what about the Canadian accent? That curiosity […]

 · 5 min read

The Beauty of Autumn: Discovering the Best Foliage Tours

I am not trying to rush through summer, but seeing all the fall clothes in my local mall made me think of the upcoming season. Fall officially starts on September 22, 2024! And as the sweltering days of summer give way to the crisp, cool air of autumn, nature unveils one of its most spectacular […]

travelling with kids
 · 3 min read

Why Travelling with your Kids is the Best Gift

I didn’t travel much as a kid. We instead explored our home province of Ontario, Canada. My parents best memories are travelling with their kids – a day trip here and there, a weekend jaunt to my uncle’s cottage at Balm Beach. My favourite memory is splashing in the warm water of Georgian Bay, drying […]