Helen Hatzis Profile Overview

Helen Hatzis

Helen Hatzis

Helen Hatzis, is the Chief Exploration Office and Co-Founder of Trip Jaunt. Helen is a recipient of the Governor-General Award, has been honoured as one of Canada's Nicest People! A true xenophile at heart, she finds joy in traveling and delights in sharing her experiences through Trip Jaunt (formerly Weekend Jaunt), an online travel community and hub she established in 2010. Her aspiration is to inspire others to explore the world as she does! Helen is an esteemed advisory member of the North American Travel Journalists Association.
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7 Of The World’s Most Vibrant, Colorful Neighborhoods

From the cobbled streets of Burano to the busy neighborhood of La Boca, pick a place around the globe and treat your eyes to the wondrous, colorful places of the world. 1. Burano, Italy If you were to bring a Crayola set to Burano and attempt to match each crayon with a colorful house, I […]

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7 Amazing Islands In Indonesia and Bali Isn’t On The List

From Sabang to Merauke, the most West and East part of Indonesia, the archipelago spans so many islands across its waters that some still bear no name and data. With some islands already becoming a hit in the Instagram world (including Bali), there are a few that need more credit. Here are seven mesmerising islands […]

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6 Singapore Cultural Festivals That You Must See

While some travelers may have local authentic food and points of interests of Singapore on their bucket list, there are many other things to get involved in when you are there. You might be surprised that one of the major driving force of tourism in Singapore is their local festivities. With a culture so diverse, there […]

hotel soap
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Is Your Leftover Hotel Soap Saving Lives?

According to the New York Times, bestselling Author Dr. Mercola, your leftover hotel soap could be reducing people’s risk of infectious illness. On vacation, you become accustomed to the luxury product your hotel stocks. The soap smells like roses on a warm summer evening, and the scent lingers in your mind weeks after your vacation […]

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Don’t Bother With These Tourist Traps In Prague

Prague: A Castle Filled, Historical, Bohemian Wonderland Prague is one of my favorite places in the world. An underground, contemporary, Bohemian art scene juxtaposes with untouched Old World charm and the best public transportation system in all of Europe. Castles surprise you around every corner, and unbelievably diverse architecture sprawls over your head and beneath […]

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15 Things To Check Off Your Bucket List When You Visit Australia

Although small in scale compared to other continents, The Land Down Under, aka Australia, comprises of extraordinary wildlife, nature, and urbanscape. Australia is home to 19 UNESCO World Heritage sites, so pack your swim suits and hiking boots for the adventure of a lifetime! 1. Snorkel in The Great Barrier Reef Australia is home to […]

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Dangerous Travel: Do Not Skip The Trip

Dangerous Travel Travelling is always a bit intimidating, a bit different. It’s not easy, but overall, I’d say most of us feel the mild risks are worth the wildly rewarding gains. But what can you do when dangerous travel options accost you from every angle? Might it be a better idea to stay home and […]

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Plane Food: Why Is It So Bad And Can We Do Anything?

Plane Food: Let’s Start With The Ugly Bland flavours, stale bread, cookies the consistency of copper, and everything is a LOT too chewy. Plane food is just plain terrible. The first semi-official meal of your journey will almost never live up to the new and exciting foods you’re already dreaming of. This is something of […]

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The Dirty Dish On The Mile High Club And What You Need To Know

The Mile High Club: Silly Joke Or Serious Enterprise? The Mile High Club is infamous at the very least. Originally, only real-life pilots could join the elite club. As well, the act only counted if it happened in the cockpit itself. Things have changed quite a bit since the early days, however. Passengers, flight attendants, […]

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8 Bizarre Singapore Laws That Will Land You A Fine

The sunny island of Singapore is well-known for being a real fine city. Well, if you read between the lines you will probably realize that the word ‘fine’ is more than meets the eye. Fine describes how Singapore is attractive with all her exquisite flora and fauna. However, it also refers to all the fines and penalties passed […]