Helen Hatzis Profile Overview

Helen Hatzis

Helen Hatzis

Helen Hatzis, is the Chief Exploration Office and Co-Founder of Trip Jaunt. Helen is a recipient of the Governor-General Award, has been honoured as one of Canada's Nicest People! A true xenophile at heart, she finds joy in traveling and delights in sharing her experiences through Trip Jaunt (formerly Weekend Jaunt), an online travel community and hub she established in 2010. Her aspiration is to inspire others to explore the world as she does! Helen is an esteemed advisory member of the North American Travel Journalists Association.
wellness travel
 · 7 min read

The Best Meditation Retreats For Beginners and Pros to Rest And Recharge

If you could do one thing, for just ten minutes a day, that would increase your happiness while improving your mental health long-term, would you try it? Millions of people worldwide are already saying yes to the well-studied benefits of meditation. The World’s 12 Best Meditation Retreats For All Levels Following the rise in popularity of […]

 · 5 min read

Experience The Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, Canada

The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair takes place annually and has been a major cultural event in Toronto, Canada since it began in 1922. It continues to be the largest indoor agricultural fair and international equestrian competition worldwide. It attracts over 6000 animals along with a huge display of crops, vegetables, and other attractions. Whether you […]

 · 1 min read

Nobody’s Photographed Fukushima Since Meltdown… Until Now

In the March of 2011, an earthquake rocked Japan. The tsunami that followed lead to meltdowns in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. A rapid evacuation took place and an exclusion zone surrounding the reactor was set up with strict regulations for anyone wishing to enter it. Since the disaster, international attention has zeroed in […]

chairs on beach
 · 2 min read

These Travel Planning Tools Will Save You Hours, Money, and Stress

If you could simplify your travel planning, and save time and money, would you? Of course! And the good news is that you can. Plenty of websites exist for the sole purpose of simplifying your trip as much as possible. From cheaper plane tickets to easy-to-book hotels and rental cars, these sites have you covered. […]

toronto sugar beach feature
 · 4 min read

The Ultimate Guide To Chilling in Toronto

HEAD TO THE BEACH Blue Flag is a highly respected and recognized international eco-label that works towards sustainable development of beaches and marinas. Blue Flags are awarded to beaches and marinas that meet strict criteria for water quality, environmental education, environmental management, and safety and services. Ontario alone is home to 14 Blue Flag beaches. […]

vancouver evening feature
 · 12 min read

Vancouver: The Ultimate Guide To Adventure

HAVE AN ADVENTURE Cycling Cycling is perhaps the best way to explore Vancouver, and its moderate climate makes it possible to pedal here year-round. There are around 300 kilometres (186 miles) of dedicated bike routes crisscrossing the region and cyclists can take their bikes for free on SeaBus and SkyTrain services as well as rack-fitted […]

vancouver night feature
 · 8 min read

Vancouver: The Ultimate Chilling Guide

HEAD TO THE BEACH Among Vancouver’s best summertime haunts, Kitsilano Beach is the most popular spot for catching the rays. It attracts families, locals, and visitors with its vast sandy expanse and large saltwater swimming pool. English Bay Beach, at the intersection of Denman and Davie Streets, is a busy stretch for sunbathers, volleyball players, […]